CROCHET PATTERNS (Pattern #54 Musk Mallow Flower and Leaf) – 365 Flowers Bouquet Project


I photographed the pink flower yesterday. It was after a rain and due to a light breeze the plants managed to shake the excess of rain drops. They all looked so cheerful, like inviting me to a photo shoot.

I’m not sure about the name of this flowering bush. It’s a perennial bearing beautiful clusters of pink flowers for the whole length of summer and autumn. It could be a weed ;-), but I’m satisfied with the abundance of flowers and their colour, so it settled very well alongside the other plants.

Nancy came to the rescue and we managed to baptise our flower. It is a perennial wildflower called Musk Mallow (Malva moschata). The plant is native to Europe and southwestern Asia. Thanks, Nancy!


Pink Flower Crochet Pattern

Pink Flower

Crochet Pink Flower with Leaf

How to Crochet the Musk Mallow Flower and Leaf?

Crochet Yarn

  • embroidery cotton (6 strands) colour A = pink, colour B = white, colour D = green
  • crochet cotton #5, colour C = light pink.

Crochet Hook

  •  1.5mm steel hook, 2mm steel hook.

Details of components

  • fish tail shape 5-petals flower, white towards the centre
  • raised tubular stigma and a bunch of stamens reaching upwards.

Crochet Pattern

Bi-colour Stigma

Start: using A (separate and use only 3 strands) and 1.5mm steel hook make 4ch, join in ring with sl st, 1ch; continue working in round

R1: 5sc in the ring, join with sl st, 1ch

R2: 5sc in the ring, join with sl st.

R3: Change to colour B (separate and use only 3 strands) and make 5sc in the ring, join with sl st, 1ch

R4: 5sc in the ring, join with sl st.

Change to 6 strands in colour B and continue making the petals turning work at each row and using the 1.5mm steel hook.

Crocheting the Petals

R1: (RS) using B, make 3sc in next st, 1ch

R2: (WS) 3sc. Change to colour C.

R3: (RS) 8ch, skip 2ch, 1dc in the nexyt st, sc in the next 5sts, 1 sl st in the next st on petal, 1ch

R4: (WS) 3sl st, 2sc, skip last st, 1ch

R5: (RS) 3sc, 2sl st, 1sl st in next sc on petal, 1chPink Flower Crochet Petals

R6: (WS) 3 sl st, 1sc, [1sc and 1dc] in the next st, 1ch

R7: (RS) 1sc, 5sl st, 1sl st in the next st on petal. Finish off colour C = 1 petal.

Repeat R1-R7 4 times to make 5 petals in total. Do not cut off yarn after finishing the last petal. Continue with the edge on each of the 5 petals (1.5mm hook):

Crocheting the Edge of the PetalsPetal Edge

R8: 1ch, 2sc, 2hdc, 1sc, 2sc in the next st, 1sc, 3sl st, 2sc in the next st, 1sc, 2hdc, 2sc, 1 sl st. Join with the next petal using 1 sl st.

Repeat R8 on each of the 5 petals. Finish off C.

Crocheting the LeafCrochet Leaf

R1: using colour D and 2mm hook, make 4ch, [11ch, 5sl st, 5ch, 3 sl st, 5ch, 1sc, 1ch, 1 sl st in the next sc, 2ch, 2sc, 4 sl st, 4ch, 3sl st, 1hdc, 3sc, 3 sl st] x 3. Finish with hdc in the next 4ch sts. Finish off D.


Loop colour A and B around two fingers a couple of times. Thigh the loops together and insert them into the tubular stigma. Trim them to about ¼ inch above the top of the cylinder. Secure them at the back of stigma.

Attach the leaf at the back of the flower.


This is it!  The Pink Flower and Leaf are ready!  

Crochet Pink Flower with Leaf Crochet Pink Flower with Leaf

All photographs and crochet patterns instructions are the copyright of Meli Bondre. All patterns are for your personal use only.

If you have stumbled upon this page and you haven't heard about the 365 Crochet Flowers Bouquet Project, then feel free to check out the blog's landing page where you'll find links to all the crochet patterns that I've designed so far! 

If you are familiar with Ravelry and you’d like to have a go at my patterns, join us at 365 Crochet Flowers Bouquet on Ravelry!

Until tomorrow, I wish you all: Happy Crocheting!


About Camelia

Irish based knitwear designer
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4 Responses to CROCHET PATTERNS (Pattern #54 Musk Mallow Flower and Leaf) – 365 Flowers Bouquet Project

  1. Nancy says:

    I believe your flower is a “Musk Mallow” and the Irish name for it is “Hocas muscach”; this website should be able to tell you more about it:,%20Musk. I hope I am correct!!

  2. Camelia says:

    Perfect, Nancy! Thanks so much! No-name flower has been baptized “Musk Mallow”.

    • Nancy says:

      I forgot to add that it is a beautiful flower, as is your interpretation of it!! And if you are getting tired of the rain, please send some my way! We have had several weeks now of unrelenting heat, here in Maryland (USA), with temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (about 38 Celsius), and very little rain!! 🙁

  3. Pingback: Free Musk Mallow Flower Amigurumi Pattern - free amigurumi patterns daily | free amigurumi patterns daily

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